Wayshowers College International Regrouping

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the start and end time of the 5 day regrouping?

A: Course starts Monday Feb 27th @9AM, please arrive 20 minutes prior to class to get oriented each day.  Course ends Friday Mar 3rd 5PM, Saturday Mar 4th there is a new profile being offered.

Q: What is a “Spiritual Regrouping”?

A: Regrouping spiritually is the action of clarifying where you are, where you have been and where you’re going. It is bringing together your life’s experiences, thoughts and feelings, to pinpoint what is building you and what is not. It is where everything is devoted toward the Real You and your spiritual growth. Regrouping is a spiritual need. Without it, you can experience difficulties in pulling your energy together. The fun and fulfillment for life can get left out.

In short, a good spiritual regrouping frees you from past limitations and advances you toward accomplishing your life purpose and achieving your goals.

Q: Will meals be provided?

A:?  Healthy Lunches and Snacks will be provided for the duration of the 5 day International Regrouping and on Saturday.

There will be kitchen in your accommodations to store food, near by restaurants and groceries.

Q: What is the nearest Airport?

A:Closest airport will be Libera (Daniel Oduber). Airport code: LIR

Q: Is there airport pick up available upon arrival?

There may be people coming that can share rides or are willing to pick people up at the airport.  There are also Uber and Lyft options, as well as rental cars.  The College will connect people as much as possible with others arriving at similar times or with those who have said they are willing to do pickups.

Please email facts@wayshowerscollege.com for additional information after registering for IR.

February 19th to March 3th

International Regrouping 2024

“The Business of You; Works of Spirit”